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“The Wail has grown into a different arrangement in the gallery space and has brought into play on a different level me, diverse aspect of its complex nature – its existence as a structure, an interface ; a tool for keeping distance, an interactive memory game, as well as a virtual diary growing in my mind all the time. This presentation flirts with subtle references to radical painting and concept art as well as animates the relation between describing, observing and recording. It offers a kind of balancing act between self-created limitations, a focusing-in on others and the use of change procedures and interchangeability. The grid provides the armature for my obsession to both evoke and hide on the surfaces of a small project space the transitory ephemeral circularity of days and their ambiguity, diversity, and multi-modality as well as traces of mental procedures.” I.N.

“Since I wanted to control and analyse my own performance and efficiency, I created my own symbolic space on the wall of the dining room in the small and cramped Bucharest flat I shared that time with my mother and brother. Beside being an object carrying (in)tangible living realities (the lack of a personal space) and psychological conditions the Wall became a bulletin board divided into ''To Do" and "Exit" sections. The right section had all the plan s ; ideas and dreams while the other on the left collected those done, accomplished and fulfilled. The idea was to keep the notes moving from right to left.” I.N.


loana Nemeş
*1979 in Bucharest, RO
lebt und arbeitet in Bucharest
underconstruct RO

“Monthly Evaluations / Me”
Installation, Schrift auf blauer Wand

“Monthly Evaluations October”
8 Digitaldrucke, gerahmt

“Monthly Evaluations is a deceptively abstract installation, a styled inventory that recycles my method of a month of day-to-day self-evaluation.”

Ben Vautier: "la vie ..."

“The Wall project”
Audio CD, self interview
27 minutes in English

“Started in 2001 The Wall Project is a collage – of notes, sketches, photos and graphs –, a work-in-progress, which has the record of my artistic activity and the attainment of my plans and desires for four years now.”

Ellen de Brujine, Amsterdam

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